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Q: Do I have to belong to a church in order to send my children to CVCS?
A: No. We recognize parents who make a commitment to Christian education have varying levels of personal faith and church affiliation. Although it is our desire that all parents give evidence of a personal faith in Jesus Christ as his/her Savior, families showing a strong interest in attending CVCS will be considered. In order for CVCS to nurture the children it serves, it is important that parents understand and support the school’s objectives.

Q: What grades do you have at CVCS?
A: We are a K-8 school. (Cornerstone Preschool is a separate school located in our building.)

Q: What are visitors saying about CVCS?
A: “Yes, you have a beautiful building, but this staff is so good you could be teaching in a warehouse and parents would want to send their children here…”
“....cutting edge…”
“Every parent should be sending their children here.”
“I want to bring other schools here to show them that small schools really can produce a high quality product…”

Q: How do students travel to and from school?
A: Students travel to CVCS by using family drop-off, carpooling with other families, and walking.  

Q: Do you have Physical Education, Art, Music, and/or Enrichment classes?
A: Yes. Each week our students attend an art class, an enrichment class, a music class, and two physical education classes.

Q: Do you follow the local school district calendar? How long is your school day?
A: Yes, for the most part. Our winter and spring vacations are the same as the local district, but our in-service days, Thanksgiving, and Christmas breaks may not match perfectly. Our school year may begin and ends on different dates. 

Our regular school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. 

Q: Do you have an extended care program?
A:  Yes. Parents who are unable to pick up their children by 2:30 PM may enroll them in the extended care program based on available space. This program will run from 2:30 - 5:00 every day. The cost will be a flat rate per day and must be paid ahead of time in order to provide appropriate staffing.

Q: Do you have a dress code?
A: Yes. Students are required to wear navy, white, red, or gray polo shirts and navy or khaki pants/shorts. There are no official uniforms to purchase; we simply ask students to follow the dress code colors.

Q: Do you have extracurricular activities for the students?
A: Although we do not have any of our own sports teams, many of our students enjoy playing on their local town’s soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and baseball teams. During the school day, however, students keep busy preparing for our annual Veterans’ Day Program, try their dramatic skills in our Christmas musical, and are active all year long participating in community service projects.

Q:  What kind of academic support do you offer for students who struggle?
A:  Our teachers go to great lengths to individualize and differentiate instruction in each subject area. For those students who find themselves in need of a little more support, we are able to provide some tutoring in reading & math for children who qualify. Due to limited resources at this time, we may be unable to serve students who require an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Q: Do you offer Tuition Assistance?
A: Yes. To make this invaluable opportunity for a high-quality, faith-based education more accessible, we offer need-based grants and multi-student discounts. We use TADS (Tuition Aid Data Services) to determine eligibility. A link is provided to families who have applied and are enrolled in CVCS. The amount of tuition assistance we are able to grant is dependent on what financial support funds we have available at the time.

We do work very hard to keep tuition rates as low as possible. This is only made possible through donations from local churches, profits from Your Turn Resale Shoppe in Vergennes, and a variety of very successful fundraisers that contribute to our general budget. Additionally, we have a TRIP program (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) that allows parents to earn tuition credit by purchasing gift cards offering a financial reward. 

Q: Do I have to pay the annual tuition all at once?
A: No. The annual tuition is divided into 10 payments that are due the 15th of each month, September – June.

Q: Where do your students go after graduating from eighth grade?
A: A variety of places! The location usually depends on where the family lives or what parents want for their children. In recent years, our graduates have gone to local private Christian high schools, local public high schools, or have been home schooled.